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PCOD – Here are Some Myths Debunked by Experts

PCOD, also known as polycystic ovarian syndrome disease, is a hormonal concern that is commonly found in females in their reproductive ages. The condition most commonly affects 1 in every 10 women in their teenage years. A female’s reproductive system is regulated by several hormones such as FSH, estrogen, progesterone and LH (luteinizing hormone). If there is any imbalance found in these hormones, this leads to the condition of polycystic ovaries. Moreover, many women also experience small cysts that are filled with sacs on the ovaries, irregular menstrual cycle, increase in androgen levels or excessive hair growth. This is one of the main causes of female infertility as this prevents women from ovulating too. 

This article was drafted by taking insights from the information provided by Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi, a well-known gynaecologist. It aims to dispel some of the common myths and misconceptions of PCOD. The expert gynaecologist practices at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital and is known for offering the most effective PCOD treatment in Mumbai

Let’s understand the causes and symptoms of PCOD. 

What Signs Can Be Seen in Women Who Are Experiencing PCOD? 

PCOD tends to affect the ovaries (a vital part of the female reproductive system). All females have been born with two ovaries, and their main function is to release egg cells or ova. The ovaries help in producing progesterone and estrogen and also release other male hormones such as androgen. PCOD also disrupts the process and leads to the abnormal release of male hormones. The following signs can be seen in females with PCOD:

  • Heavy bleeding during menstrual cycle

  • Excess hair on the body

  • Acne 

  • Hair loss 

  • Facing problems in getting pregnant 

  • Depression 

  • Obesity 

  • Darkening of pigmentation around the neck, etc.

Are you experiencing the symptoms mentioned above? It might be signs of PCOD. You can get it evaluated by consulting a notable gynaecologist in Mumbai, Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi, who practices at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital. 

What are the Leading Causes of PCOD? 

The exact reason for PCOD is still not known. There are many factors which contribute to hormonal imbalance and also lead to the development of ovarian cysts. These are: 

  • Hereditary: PCOD runs in families. If someone’s mother was experiencing PCOD, chances are that their daughter would experience it too. 

  • Overproduction of Hormones: In a lot of women, the ovaries produce a high level of androgens, which leads to acne and hirsutism. 

  • Insulin Resistance: Insulin is a hormone that helps the body cells to use sugar for energy supply. If the cells become impervious to insulin, there is an increase in blood sugar levels, and the pancreas produces insulin in excess. This ultimately leads to the overproduction of androgens and makes ovulation difficult in females. 

Common PCOD Myths Debunked 

Myth 1: If One Has Polycystic Ovaries, They Will Have PCOS 

Fact: A lot of individuals often make this assumption about PCOD. But one must make note of two important things. Many women with PCOD do not have cysts in their ovaries, and if they do have cysts, it does not indicate that they have PCOD. The problem of PCOD occurs when a woman experiences metabolic and reproductive abnormalities. To confirm the diagnosis of PCOD, a woman needs to have two of the following symptoms: 

  • An excess of androgen in the body which often leads to hair loss or acne 

  • Irregular periods

  • Follicles in the ovaries

Myth 2: You Can Not Get Pregnant If You Have PCOD 

Fact: PCOD is a hormonal disorder that affects the ability of the ovaries to produce sufficient eggs. However, it is a complete myth that one can not get pregnant if they have PCOD. Women who are diagnosed with PCOD do experience pregnancy sometime in their lives, even naturally or with the help of fertility treatments. PCOD can be said to affect the process, but it can not prevent a couple from being pregnant. The key to getting pregnant with PCOD is by practising a healthy lifestyle by eating well and exercising.

Myth 3: PCOD Only Affects Overweight Women

Fact: Many females who are experiencing PCOD are indeed overweight. And it is also true that obesity is said to make symptoms of PCOD worse. However, believing that PCOD only affects overweight women is wrong as PCOD does not discriminate and tends to affect women of all sizes and shapes. The relation between weight and PCOD has to do with the body’s inability to produce insulin properly, which leads to an increase in weight. 

Myth 4: If One Has PCOD, they Have Irregular Periods for Sure 

Fact: When women experience irregular menstrual cycles, it is believed that the reason for their irregular cycles is associated with PCOD. However, the truth is that there could be many other reasons for delayed periods. This includes stress, dieting in excess, thyroid problems, pelvic problems, and many more. The best way to get to the root cause of PCOD is by consulting a gynaecologist who will confirm the diagnosis with ultrasound and blood tests. 

Myth 5: PCOS is Considered an Uncommon Condition 

Fact: It is believed that the majority of women in their reproductive age experience PCOD. This makes this hormonal disorder the most common endocrine disorder among women. There are studies that suggest less than half of the women who are experiencing PCOD are diagnosed correctly, meaning that millions of women are unaware of their condition. 

Final Takeaway 

Now that we have dispelled all the myths surrounding PCOD let us believe that PCOD has several consequences. It also affects other systems of the body without showing any symptoms. However, the best solution to this condition is early detection and the right treatment. 

For this, individuals can consult Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi, the best gynaecologist in Mumbai at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital. The expert gynaecologist treats PCOD using oral contraceptives, mild oral antibiotics, infertility treatments, etc. If these treatments do not work, she will recommend surgical options such as laparoscopic ovarian drilling. 

To get the best PCOD treatment in Mumbai, get in touch with Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi, a top gynaecologist at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital now!


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