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Signs of Infertility In Females: Gynecologist Insights

Couples failing to get pregnant even after having unprotected intercourse for one to two years are usually advised to take medical consultation. During the fertility examination, the female  partner has to undergo various diagnoses including blood test, ultrasound, HSG, etc. These tests detail the overall health of the female reproductive system and cause of infertility.

Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi is a leading gynaecologist in Mumbai. She practises at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital. Here she addresses causes of female infertility through various techniques and provides effective treatment. Based on those reasons, this blog is going to details about some most popular signs of infertility in Females. So consider going through this blog to find the reasons which are affecting your ability to become a mother.

Signs of Female Infertility

In general, sign and symptoms of not getting pregnant are as given below:

  1. Irregular Menstrual Cycles: Irregular periods are the primary sign of female infertility. This cycle of more than 30 to 35 days indicates issues with ovulation, hormonal imbalances, or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Regular ovulation is crucial for fertility.

  2. Painful Periods (Dysmenorrhea): Many females experienced severe pain during, before and after their menstrual cycle. Severe menstrual cramps and pelvic pain can be a sign of conditions like endometriosis, which can interfere with fertility by affecting the function of the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

  3. Abnormal Bleeding: Heavy or prolonged menstrual bleeding can be linked to uterine fibroids or polyps, which affects the fertility and hindrance in embryo implantation.

  4. Absent Periods (Amenorrhea): The absence of periods can be caused by various factors, including low body weight, or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), all of which can affect fertility.

  5. Pelvic Pain: Chronic pelvic pain might be indicative of conditions like endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), or adhesions, which can block the fallopian tubes and impair fertility.

  6. Hormonal Changes: Hormonal imbalances, such as high levels of prolactin or thyroid dysfunction, can disrupt the menstrual cycle and hinder ovulation.

  7. Unexplained Weight Gain or Loss: Sudden changes in weight can affect hormonal balance and ovulation, making it difficult to conceive.

  8. Painful Intercourse (Dyspareunia): Conditions like endometriosis or infections can cause pain during sex, making conception challenging.

  9. Previous Pelvic Surgeries or Infections: Surgeries or infections in the pelvic area can lead to scarring (adhesions) that obstruct the fallopian tubes or disrupt normal reproductive function.

  1. Family or Personal History: A family history of early menopause or reproductive disorders may indicate genetic factors affecting fertility.

Here, it is important to note that experiencing one or more of these signs does not necessarily guarantee infertility, but it's advisable to seek medical evaluation and guidance if there is a suspicion of  fertility issues. A healthcare provider, especially gynaecologist, concerning female infertility, can perform tests and offer treatments to address underlying causes and improve your chances of conceiving.

Medical Evaluation of Female Infertility 

There are several medical tests advised to determine infertility. It includes:

  • Blood Test (AMH or Egg Reserve): For the purpose of determining a woman's ovarian reserve, a blood test evaluates Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH) levels. Reduced levels of AMH may be a sign of fewer eggs and possible reproductive problems.

  • Ultrasound: Through the use of transvaginal ultrasound imaging, medical professionals can check the ovaries and uterus for structural irregularities, cysts, or polyps that could have an impact on fertility. During fertility treatments, it may also be useful to keep a check on follicle growth.

  • Tube Test: The fallopian tubes are examined during a tube test (laparoscopy or hysterosalpingogram). These tests are performed to examine the health of tubes. During the procedure, a contrast dye is injected into the uterus and X-rays are then taken to look for blockages. 

  • Laparoscopy: A surgical procedure called laparoscopy looks at the pelvic organs up close and can find problems like endometriosis or adhesions that could be harmful to fertility.

Female Infertility Treatments 

Owing to the advancements in medical science, there are several effective infertility treatments available to correct this condition. Some of the effective female infertility treatments are: 

  • Ovulation Induction: Medications such as clomiphene or gonadotropins promote egg production in the ovaries may be prescribed to increase the likelihood of pregnancy.

  • Intrauterine Insemination (IUI): To increase the likelihood of fertilization, specially prepared sperm is injected directly into the uterus.

  • In-vitro Fertilisation (IVF): In this procedure eggs are retrieved from the ovaries, fertilised with sperm in a laboratory, and then the resulting embryo is implanted into the uterus.

  • Laparoscopic surgery: Restoring fertility is possible following minimally invasive surgery for diseases such endometriosis, fibroids, or blocked fallopian tubes.

  • Donation of Egg and Surrogacy: Using donated eggs or surrogacy is also an option for women who are experiencing reproductive issues or who have a decreased ovarian reserve.


Becoming a mother is a beautiful experience, but many females find themselves behind to experience it. And the reason behind such a situation is their own health, hormonal imbalance, irregular periods, anovulation, etc. In today’s advanced era of medical science, infertility is not a big issue and one with the help of infertility treatment can become a mother. But to consider an infertility treatment, it is essential to consult the issue with a gynaecologist first. The doctor will diagnose the condition and prescribe ovulation induction, laparoscopic surgery, IUI or IVF accordingly.  

One can consult, Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi a leading female infertility doctor. She provides effective medical treatments for females to conceive. She is also renowned as a cosmetic gynaecologist in Mumbai who provides effective treatments like hymen repair, vaginoplasty, monsplasty, and many more.  To know more about her you are advised to book a consultation with Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi at Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital.    


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