Generally, after the hysterectomy, the recovery period lasts around six to eight weeks, as prescribed by the doctor. Mostly the recovery time after a vaginal or laparoscopic hysterectomy remains shorter. The recovery time and care after post-surgery depends on the age of the woman and underlying health condition. However, till that time, a healthy lifestyle no longer remains an option. It becomes a necessity that you need to adopt a healthy lifestyle anyhow to remain fit after your hysterectomy treatment. If you have recently gone through the treatment and are concerned about what to do, you can find answers to your questions here. We have come up with this article after briefly consulting with Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi, the best doctor for Hysterectomy treatment in Mumbai at Nanavati Superspeciality Hospital. We have collected information about how you can take care of your body after a hysterectomy, so let’s start now! Tips For Recovery After Hysterectomy Diet Ch...
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