A hysterectomy is a surgical process to remove a woman’s uterus or womb due to a medical complication. Depending on the complication, the surgery might also involve removing other reproductive parts like the ovaries and/or fallopian tubes. The woman will be unable to become pregnant or have monthly periods after this surgery. In this blog, Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi, the best gynecologist for hysterectomy treatment in Mumbai , talks about the reasons for and procedures of hysterectomy surgery. She also sheds light on the recovery process post-surgery. Continue reading to learn more. Reasons for Hysterectomy A woman may need hysterectomy surgery for many reasons. These include: Heavy and painful periods Long-term pelvic pain Uterus cancer Growth of uterus tissue in other parts of the reproductive system Cervix cancer Ovarian cancer Long-term and heavy vaginal bleeding Severe bleeding during childbirth Benefits of Hysterectomy Surgery If a wom...
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