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Showing posts from June, 2022

All One Needs To Know About Ovarian Cyst And Its Treatment

In women who have menstrual periods, it is normal to have at least one functional cyst formed every month as a part of her menstrual cycle, shares Dr. Chaitali Mahajan Trivedi, best gyn a ecologist in Mumbai , Juhu . Mostly, these ovarian cysts dissolve over time and you won’t even know about their presence or disappearance. Unfortunately, many women nowadays have persistent ovarian cysts that may grow in number or size or not be related to their period. These are considered problematic, and symptomatic and can only resolve by treatment. Examples of such types of ovarian cysts include dermoid cysts and multiple ovarian cysts found in PCOD or PCOS patients that can harm their overall health and cause infertility. Read on to know about ovarian cysts-causes, symptoms, and removal. What is an ovarian cyst? Ovarian cysts are solid or fluid-filled sacs formed on or within one or both ovaries- a pair of small, oval-shaped female reproductive organs present in the lower abdomen area. Every m...